Monday 18 November 2013

HDR Photos

WHAT: What is HDR Photography?  Please describe the history and current uses for HDR photography. (you must quote resources)

   HDR means, “High-dynamic-range imaging.”  It is used in imaging and photography to capture a dynamic range between the light and dark in a image. In the 1850’s came the idea of using many exposures to fix a too big range of light. 1996 The use of digital cameras made a new and bigger demand for HDR imaging and to improve the light. 1997 The idea of merging or combining many different exposed photos to make just one HDR picture was introduced to the public by Paul Debevec. More recently Photoshop CS2 made a function to merge and make a HDR photo.

HOW: How is HDR photos achieved?  In this section you are to describe your research into the different techniques of achieving HDR. (must resource a minimum 3 different ways of creating. You must site source)

   HDR photos are achieved by:

1st method- Merging HDR

   In this method of creating a HDR photo you will learn how to take many different exposures and merging them together. You will start off with a 32 bit image and then eventually you will change it to a 8 or 16 bit image. Then you will edit the photo by using different toning methods (Edge glow, Tone and Detail- gamma, exposure, detail, Advanced- shadow, highlight, vibrance, saturation, etc.)  

2nd method- Professional HDR

   In this tutorial you would learn how to make a professional looking HDR photo. Photoshop CS2 has an already built-in HDR assembler. It makes very realistic or surreal HDR photos. For this you will need a digital camera that you can set the exposure manually. A sturdy tri-pod, an idea of what picture you want to take (one that does not move), and a computer that has Photoshop CS2 installed.

3rd method- Gritty HDR

   Gritty HDR means ‘High Dynamic Range’ but for this photo effect but this photo effect does not need “HDR” photos. This photo effect could be better called as a grungy tone mapping effect, that does not need HDR photos. The beginning of the tutorial is basically the same as the rest at the beginning but later on the steps are different. The steps get more specific for example they say to: Step 2:Make details more visible with the Shadow/Highlights tool, Add a halo effect with the Unsharp Mask filter.

For the full tutorials go to “”


 Personal: Describe your personal approach to producing the images.  What source did you work with?  Describe in what ways you made the images your own?  Did you manipulate the tutorial to make your images better? Here is the place for you to tell me how and what you did.  I need to know what you learned.

   For my own HDR photos I took photos of things I enjoy taking pictures of, nature or the outdoors. For my images I didn’t use a tripod, I did manipulate the tutorial but just a little, not much. In this project I learned how to make an HDR photo. I learned how to create one image from three, I learned how to take pictures with different exposures. In my photos I changed the different levels of the toning (Edge glow, Tone and Detail- gamma, exposure, detail, Advanced- shadow, highlight, vibrance, saturation, etc.)


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