Monday 28 October 2013

Dreams Of Flying

My inspiration for this photo is Mary Poppins. I chose this idea because the people on the news one morning were talking about it. I composed this image by going to the park, I used my sister as my model and took an umbrella and had her hold it in her hand. I didn't edit this picture.

I thought of this idea for a photo because I watched a Dreamworks movie and I thought I should do the fishing on the moon idea. For this image I used a black bed sheet for the background, a towel for the moon and my sister holding the fishing rod sitting on the moon. I used brightness and contrast in photoshop to make the photo more bright.

My inspiration for this photo is that my friend and I were playing catch so we decided to take a picture of it. For this image I used a big red kick ball and my friends. I used brightness and contrast in photoshop to make this picture brighter.

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