Monday 28 October 2013

Dreams Of Flying

My inspiration for this photo is Mary Poppins. I chose this idea because the people on the news one morning were talking about it. I composed this image by going to the park, I used my sister as my model and took an umbrella and had her hold it in her hand. I didn't edit this picture.

I thought of this idea for a photo because I watched a Dreamworks movie and I thought I should do the fishing on the moon idea. For this image I used a black bed sheet for the background, a towel for the moon and my sister holding the fishing rod sitting on the moon. I used brightness and contrast in photoshop to make the photo more bright.

My inspiration for this photo is that my friend and I were playing catch so we decided to take a picture of it. For this image I used a big red kick ball and my friends. I used brightness and contrast in photoshop to make this picture brighter.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Jan Von Holleben Biography

   Jan Von Holleben was born in1977in Cologne. Jan von Holleben spent most of his young life separated from normal society. When he was 13 he followed in his fathers footsteps, a photographic career. He picked up a camera and started to experiment with different types of “magical tricks”. His skills and imagination for photographic images were growing while working with friends and family. He taught children with disabilities at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Freiburg. After that he moved to London and earned a degree in the Theory and History of Photography at Surrey Institute of Art and Design. He worked as many things in London as he liked the photographic scene. He was a picture editor, art director and photographic director. Jan Von Holleben’s work has been published throughout the world and his work is seen and loved by many.


I chose this photo because I like how he makes it looks so realistic in this one. The way he has the boys positioned on the the rocks makes it look like they're standing. Also how the boy looks like he is throwing the rock. The dirt ground looks like a mountain wall.


This one is my favourite because I like how the wood floor looks like trees. Also that everything goes the together and it looks clean and smooth. This picture stood out to me because the kids swinging on the vine is very eye catching to me. Also that the whole set up of the picture is very creative and it everything doesn't clash with eachother.

This image stood out to me because I like the bright colours and the way he designed the set. It looks like he used such simple objects to create the set but the actual image is very creative. I also chose this photo because I like the contrasting colours between the red, blue, white, and green. I also like how the blue background (which I think is a blue tarp) adds texture to the picture.


Album Cover Photos

Hipster Effect Photos